The Earth is my home…
I believe in a clean and pollution free home.
The Earth is a place of beauty.
I believe beauty to be a divine gift, that true connection with, is reflected as art…Art in living.
I believe in a world of freedom. Free from violence, force and coercion.
I imagine a world where leaders of integrity steer humanity’s course towards individual self empowerment, personal happiness, fulfilment and true prosperity for all.
I desire to live in a garden, surrounded by trees and water...on a forested Earth of clean and gentle rains, blue water and blue skies.
Where the air smells fresh and where the food is real…and where Nature isn’t tampered with for profit or personal gain.
I want to lay on soft grass and contemplate the stars.
I believe we can have these things.
We just have to let go of what isn’t real.
We have to work to build a better future…one that includes peace and abundance for all.
In Unity no one is left behind. No one is unimportant.
We can unify under our common need:
A home that sustains us all equally; for all born have the right to Life.
Relationships that reciprocate trust; for all desire connection.
Self-love anchored by Self-knowledge; for all desire true freedom.
We can unify under a common cause - four pillars of Life, to create a standing foundation for humanity’s evolution on this, our home planet.
These ideas aren’t new…but their implementation may be to you…to many of us.
Peace…Freedom…Prosperity…amongst a race of beings sharing this planet with all of Life. A legacy of love, and conscious evolution.
A demonstration worthy of galactic participation.
This is our birthright…it is why we have come. Why should we settle for anything less? Why eat the scraps off someone else’s table?
You may think that this just sounds like a pipe dream…but I believe in the genius of Life…I trust in the wisdom that flows out from the Source.
I haven’t always though…I have failed many times…miserably. I have felt unnameable fear and terror as I have dived deep and investigated the darkness…both mine and our own.
I have lived a lie…hiding from the truths that live deep in my heart. I have denied them and in doing so, I have denied myself and others. For that I am deeply sorry.
Yet forgiveness is the path to one’s heart, and as I must forgive myself, I also realise that forgiveness is due others no matter the suffering they have wrought. Each individual, in the end, must answer to Self.
So we have to ask how we have been complicit in the creation of everything that is harmful with our civilisation…then draw a line in the sand…and cease to accept it.
We have to own it and take back our Power.
I choose to live a life in connection to Nature.
I choose to learn from her and honour the life that is hers to give…the same life that flows through everybody and every living being…great and small.
I choose to live a life in connection with the Sacred.
I surrender…I begin again with nothing…literally…yet how much do we truly need?
I choose Freedom.
I choose my Self.
I choose Love…Service…Devotion
Why continue to destroy our land...each other... and ourselves for things that we will never take with us.
This also includes, who we believe ourselves to be.
All is but dust, borrowed from the One, invested with Life and gifted with Love.
So let’s do this together… Please help me make a difference and join the
The Regenearth Project is a fresh look at an ancient paradigm for living on the Earth, our home.
It is at once ~ a philosophy ~ a new standard ~ a practice in a new old way of life ~ a place ~ and a means for peace, freedom and true prosperity on our planet.
As a philosophy, it is an attitudinal reorientation for living. An increase in awareness of the Life Principle, and conscious cross connection in innerstanding of the three Pillars of Living: Earth Care ~ People Care ~ Self Care.
As a new standard, it is a brand of integrity - a minimum standard for maximum benefit of being on the Earth.
As a course for practical action, its tenets are grounded in Natural Law, based on sound observations of Nature, passed down through the millennia in our ancient writings and archeological records, from distant and recent masters of their crafts, and from my own intensive investigations, practices and learnings from the aforementioned sources.
As a place, my vision is seven fold:
1) A large scale agro-forestry land regeneration project, restoring forest and food abundance to otherwise destroyed lands and returning a natural harmonious balance to the elements of fire, wind, water and earth once again.
2) A school or college of wisdom, teaching:
a. how to live truly and effectively off the land free of poisonous and other environmentally damaging inputs.
b. essential knowledge about who we are as a physical being, a feeling being, a mental being and a being of spirit.
c. Natural Law, as everything extant is governed by a deep and intrinsic order, a relationship between all things, observable, recognisable and replicable for conscious evolution in our sphere of life and beyond, and for harmonious evolution in all others.
d. the philosophy and practice of Earth Care, People Care and Self Care as formulated by the foregoing.
3) A retreat for true healing, where the physical-feeling-mental being is brought once again into congruence (wholeness); and with a restoration of innerstanding of one’s true nature in spirit; and a centre for conscious transition for both entering and leaving this life.
4) A sanctuary of beauty for wise (conscious) community; harmonious living on the land for families and individuals of integrity who believe in the reality of the New Earth and who wish to help anchor it into reality by living a life of peace and love and serving the vision of the project into success.
5) A repository of wisdom for generations to come;
a) through the longevous lives of those who, in sincerity, carry this wisdom through.
b) a library of ancient and modern knowledge grounded in Natural Law and clear, observable, verifiable science.
c) in the evolution and organic record of the regenerating earth itself.
6) A temple to higher attainment in the continual refinement of connection to Source and Self - spiritual freedom to worship the Creator and celebrate Life as one chooses, in peace (free of harm to oneself or others) or not at all as is one’s free will choice. Places to practice, and places to just be.
7) Replication of this demonstration on every continent, in every climatic type, so that everyone may know that such a Life is possible.
And finally, as a means for peace and freedom and true prosperity on our planet, because in the genius of Life, and in the wisdom of Love, all things become possible to those, who in integrity and sincerity, act in the faith that Divine Love and Divine Truth cannot fail.
If you wish to help this project succeed, please join the Regenearth Project.
We need minimum standards to live by…to thrive by…and by which we shall regenerate the Earth and transform human civilisation for true peace, prosperity and freedom.
The difficulty shall be in the letting go of what we know doesn’t work, yet fearfully or perhaps comfortably cling to.
It is important to conduct ourselves by a code of ethics and morality that defends the Earth, it’s resources, it’s Life systems and all its people...everyone.
The ’Cradle of Civilisation’ was once a fertile valley stretching the length of the mighty Tigris and Euphrates rivers of ancient Mesopotamia. It is now, for all intents and purposes, a desert.
Desertification, loss of fertile food growing topsoil, drought, flood, fire, plasticisation of our oceans, poisoning of our land, water and atmosphere with pesticides and pharmaceuticals, depleting fish stocks, loss of species diversification, polluting industry not held to account ~ these are the hallmarks of our times…our legacy of ignorance…the search for profit above all else, leaving the deficit to be born by the Earth itself…our home…and by our bodies…which suffer the effects of foods stripped of true nutrition and loaded instead with the toxic products of industry.
We can change this:
All organic life requires water to thrive. Harvesting water on all habitable and supporting landscapes will end drought and provide the means to grow abundant food. Water held in the landscape…in the soil, vegetative life, recharged aquifers and in the intelligently designed water harvesting systems built by us can mitigate the effects of rising sea levels.
Building soil shall be the primary sink for balancing carbon in our atmospheres. It is the lifeline for all other land based life systems on our planet and the centrepiece for truly nourishing food. If the soil isn’t alive we can’t thrive and all practices that we engage in as a species must bear this principle in mind. In only a century or so of mechanised industrial agriculture, we have destroyed the fertile food growing topsoil that Nature has taken thousands of years to create. Intelligent and caring practices can restore this fertility to the Earth in every area we inhabit and food shortage never need be a problem.
Regrowing forest as the premier vegetative evolute on our planet shall rebalance all weather systems harmoniously in our favour, regulating temperature, rainfall and wind. They shall cleanse the atmospheres and rebirth the natural hydrological cycles as translator for the passage of nutrient and energy laden water between atmosphere and earth. They shall provide food, shelter, resources and a nutrient bank that feeds all other ecosystems that interface with them.
Harvest Water ~ Build Soil ~ Regrow Forest, using environmentally responsible technologies. That could be our Earth Care catch cry.
We can use the best of technology to assist us in our task of Earth regeneration and to live comfortably within natural systems of beauty - one with Nature, in connection and not separate from her.
Stop spending your money on junk or poisons that end up in landfill or our oceans.
Buy only whole nutritious foods that vitalise Life within you and that don’t waste precious energy in industrial nutrient stripping processes that create a litter stream of inorganic waste from farm to plate.
Consider who you are as a natural being…a living man or woman. Know that all that is given you to live and thrive is free in Nature and your right it is to have them…so long as the source is supported and respected.
Let’s stop the mindless stripping of Life and resources from the Earth…and instead join with her under the auspices of Natural Law.
Natural Law is the order through which all of Nature…all of Life is governed. It makes sense to align with it doesn’t it? Aren’t we ourselves alive?
If you believe in this…if you believe in helping to make a difference…join the Regenearth Project.
People care must sit upon the foundation of right relationship.
Right relationship to each other…by recognising the divinity in all people, and realising the fundamental right to Life, peace and happiness that we all share.
Realising that lasting peace and true happiness comes as a result of one’s own efforts, by following the path of inner guidance with diligence, and not as a product delivered to you from the outside.
Right relationship can only occur when we agree…within ourselves…to hold integrity as a value above or at the very least, commensurate with all others.
Integrity implies truthfulness and honesty with self foremost.
Who are you after all…when no one is watching?
Deception is a game that leaves you lost in your own maze. If you lie to yourself you most certainly will be lying to others.
Pretense masks the lie, and so long as this is maintained we can never find our way home again…to that unitive state in the centre within which is the true source of our Life and nourishment. Our defensive attitudes and stubborn beliefs blind us. The ego in resistance to Truth creates suffering, that we are usually only too willing to project outwards onto others and circumstance, thus perpetuating the lie of separation. We become slaves of our own making, the jailers…and the jailed.
Honesty to self begets honesty to other, honesty to other begets honesty to self.
Truth and right alignment go hand in hand. Right alignment to all things…natural laws, natural forces…the phenomena of Life, and right alignment of course means right relationship.
Gentle and compassionate honesty fixes everything…it sets us all free.
In Truth we have freedom…in that freedom we have hope for a better world.
Truth is Freedom and Freedom is Love. Not the romanticised love of fairy tales…no…but the love that is emergent once anchored in Life, immanent as the ground of one's being. The Love that knows all causal relationships begin within, and when the Real Self is unmasked, reveals our foundation as uncorrupted and good. This Love feels each violation of Life, for it is kind...and so will not suffer it…not for itself, nor for others...and thus all things set in motion from there, right themselves.
So swear it, if you dare… “Give me Truth or give me nothing!” Let pretense fall away.
There is a way in to the heart of impeccability, but there must be a willingness to be in Truth.
In words from the wise:
“Hold fast to the truth as your refuge.” Siddhartha Gautama -
The Buddha
Listen...know who you are.
Where does the power of truth and love reside?
It resides in the genius and the power of Life.
The Life which has been gifted you, and the Life which flows through this planet are the same.
Observe the meadow as it re-greens itself each season. The grasses and herbs that grow, and the trees that arise anew, to fill the gaps left by destruction.
Observe the cut on your finger as it stops bleeding. The slow but sure self stitching of cells that shall eventually close over.
The same power that regenerates the land is the same power that regenerates your body. From one the sacred union of two, Life unfolds in the perfection of its evolution.
And just as Life has populated this planet with energy-information (nutrient) cycling systems that obey a hidden too has it created your body.
Rejoin this sacred stream through which all things remain connected...Life can heal your body, and make it whole again. Your mind emerges out of this wholeness, or have you forgotten from where it is you come? Within the continuum of Life and consciousness, the two streams meet as surely as cause meets effect.
You have the right, and the ability to care for yourself.
SELF CARE ~ one of the three pillars of living.
Don’t hand your power to heal away to those whom would carelessly drug and poison the instrument of your unfoldment here.
Life within your body doesn’t cannot. The conservation of energy prohibits it. Use Life’s wisdom to illuminate your path. All action by Life is ‘right action’, designed to restore homeostasis - balance.
The overlay of a mind governed by illusion is the separation by which the truth of Life expresses the dysfunction we call dis-ease. To heal consciously is to become conscious...more aware than the state into which we have fragmented. All illness is self-limiting when the laws of Life are remembered and followed.
Just as Life continually renews itself, so the force of Life can guide us. It knows the way to wholeness and through its wisdom we can heal. To heal we have to be willing to feel. To feel is to be in truth. Truth is in feeling. Life’s wisdom is a feeling sense...sentience. Honest connection, sincere seeking, surrender into the depth, core and source of you. From true health emerges spirituality and from spirituality emerges true health.